Fill out the form below with your requirements and we'll get back to you to confirm your booking.
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How to Book


Choose trailer which fulfils your requirements or call us for advice.


Check availability by calling the office or sending us an email


You will need the following on the first hire only;

Proof of ID, either passport or driving licence, a current utility bill, gas, council tax, bank statement etc we are sorry but mobile phone bills are not acceptable.

Proof of insurance for the vehicle, which you intend to use to tow the trailer.

On the 1st hire you are required to pay via debit or credit card, plus any deposit requested via cash, card or BACS.

We value all our customers and we offer a 15% discount after 3 hires on day rates and 10% on week rates.

You may be asked to have a photo with your vehicle when hiring for our records.